Credible Tips to Keep Efficiency Switching from On-Site to Remote

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6 min read


Credible Tips to Keep Efficiency Switching from On-Site to Remote

Remote work is not a new concept in most businesses. It was there before the pandemic. However, the pandemic has given it a great boost. Governments around the world have been encouraging businesses and learning institutions to let their employees work from home to restrict movement and curb the spread of this deadly virus.

As a leader, you shouldn’t be worried about your business relying on remote work. The one thing that you should prioritize is maintaining the level of efficiency while switching from on-site to remote. So, what are some of the credible tips that you should use to achieve this goal? Keep reading to find out.

Staying engaged while working from home

Working remotely is becoming a big trend because employees get lots of amazing benefits. A research study found that 86 percent of remote employees feel relaxed and happy. And 85 percent of organizations have increased their productivity and performance due to the flexibility associated with remote work.

Why are organizations that have adopted remote work performing remarkably well? There is no one answer to this question. But here are several tips that will help you maintain your level of efficiency while switching to remote work:

Communicate with your team

According to the essay writer, working remotely doesn’t mean that you should isolate yourself. Communicating with your team regularly is essential if you want the entire organization to succeed. Fortunately, there are lots of platforms and tools that you can use to share information about your activities. From project management apps like Asana to messenger services, there are lots of effective ways to communicate with your team. And this will help everyone stay on track.

Set clear goals

It’s quite difficult to achieve the expected level of efficiency if you don’t have a plan. What do you want to achieve in the long run? How will you achieve these goals? What are your key performance indicators? How you answer these questions will determine how far you go. You need to set clear and concise goals. You should make daily, weekly and monthly plans to figure out the tasks that you should prioritize.

Stick to your work schedule

Working from home doesn’t mean that you should change your work schedule. Doing this will interfere with your rhythm of work. You have to stick to your work schedule if you want to maintain your level of efficiency. If you used to report to work at 9 AM, you should do the same at home. This is one of the easiest ways to stay productive in the long run.

Create a comfy workspace

Your productivity and efficiency at home depend on your workspace. Failing to create a comfy workspace will negatively affect your workflow. Even if you are living in a small apartment, you should do your best to create a workspace where you can work peacefully and quietly. Your home office should be optimized for productivity. Keep your office organized by eliminating clutter and distractions. The temperature shouldn’t be too hot or cold.

Take short breaks regularly

When you are working from home, your workmates and clients tend to think that they can send you messages or call you anytime. This shouldn’t be the case. You need to set boundaries and take breaks after working hard for a couple of hours. During your break sessions, avoid undertaking tasks that will harm your productivity.

For example, watching a video on YouTube or a thrilling series on Netflix might hinder you from achieving your goals because one video or episode will lead to another. Use your time to undertake productive activities such as meditating, eating a nutritious meal, gardening, or taking a walk. Indulging in such activities will help you recover lost energy and help you complete your tasks for the day.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions are one of the biggest killers of productivity. Your productivity can be compromised by online window shopping, non-work messages, and calls, surfing the internet, social media, and email to name a few. To eliminate these distractions, you need to put your phone on silent during work hours, turning off notifications on your computer, informing your loved ones about your schedule to avoid being interrupted, and downloading apps that block certain apps and websites during work hours.

These apps include StayFocused, Freedom, and Limit to name a few. These apps block sites and apps that are not related to work. With these apps, you won’t be allowed to use social media platforms or sites that will waste your time. Other productive remote workers have formed the habit of stashing away their smartphones during work hours to boost their productivity and efficiency. Working in a silent and clutter-free environment will ensure that you don’t get interrupted while working.


While working remotely, your workday might feel flexible because you are largely responsible for your schedule. Prioritizing your tasks will not only boost efficiency but also productivity and performance of your workday. As you complete your high-priority tasks, cross them off your list and make necessary adjustments to your schedule. Don’t forget to set deadlines and reminders since your colleagues may fail to remind you.

Set boundaries

If you live with others, you need to inform them about your plans in advance to avoid interruptions. If someone needs your attention, let them know that they can talk to you during your breaks or after your workday. Setting clear boundaries will help in creating a balance between work time and personal time. And this will boost your productivity and performance.

Be patient

The transitioning process can be a huge issue when starting out. Like most life changes, it can take time to get used to your new environment. Being patient and open to new ways will make the transition process easier for you. If you need help, reach out to your colleagues or supervisor to communicate your concerns. At the end of the day, you’ll feel happier and satisfied working remotely.

Embrace self-reliance

You need to be self-reliant to work from home effectively. Unlike the office setting, working remotely means you’ll have to figure out a lot of things on your own. You’ll find that you are more capable than you thought. By developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, you’ll easily overcome obstacles that you’ll encounter along the way.

Develop new skills

Working in an office will enable you to promote yourself through educational seminars and additional training. As you work from home, you need to look for opportunities to improve your skillset. You can read books or watch online tutorials. You can also communicate with an experienced co-worker to help you figure out how to develop and improve a particular skill.


By using these practical tips, you can greatly increase your chances of success and exceed your organization’s targets. Plan your days and limit distractions by communicating with your colleagues and loved ones.

Author Bio

Tobias Foster is a journalist and editor at with more than 5 years’ work experience and big ambitions. Philosophy, marketing, and business are his passion, and he has a wealth of knowledge in that field. He is a master of his craft.

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