Hiring Revolutionized: The Role Of Technology In Seeking The Right Team

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Hiring Revolutionized: The Role Of Technology In Seeking The Right Team

Over the past few decades, technology has changed life and business dramatically. Today, programs have taken upon themselves simple monotonous work and even compose music no worse than professional musicians and create programs for themselves, like Google’s neural networks. Software The software cannot replace the HR department yet, but it is easy to make its work more accessible. Here are some valuable tools and services that will save HR managers and recruiters time and business money.

Online recruitment sites

Most of the vacancies in companies are now being closed thanks to online resources. Classic sites for job search are pretty effective, but they practically do not work in IT. All search takes place on LinkedIn: it is very convenient to search for candidates by position. name, skills, technologies with which they work – all over the world. IT technicians are also looked for on specialized resources GitHub, Stackoverflow, DOU, Behance, Dribbble, Medium, Quora, Kaggle, Facebook Groups, Workcelerator. Or you can check videos online for the recruiter toolbox of tricks and tips.

Digital recruiting tools

HR departments have various tools to simplify the hiring process at each stage of the funnel, but the most important is a competent ATS (applicant tracking system). ATS, correctly selected for the needs of your business, will save a lot of recruiter’s’ time and keep all information about vacancies, candidates, and their status in order.

At the Lever system, you can fill out scorecards (scorecards of a candidate, record the technical level and competencies significant for this position), and leave feedback. It makes it easier for the manager to make decisions based on numbers. Other features include the ability to integrate email and calendar, which allows you to designate interiors, automatically add them to calendars, send invitations, and create email campaigns.

Try the services of a global PEO such as NHGlobal Partners. This company will help with recruiting remote employees and also helps to analyze the effectiveness of the recruitment process when filling a specific vacancy. For the company as a whole, it generates analytical reports.

Communication and coordination

For small teams, a messenger and a task manager are enough for setting tasks. Depending on the specifics of the team’s work, of course, applied tools like GitHub and GoogleApps are also used. For internal communications, you can use Slack. There is a general channel, as well as separate groups for departments and projects. Among task managers, the HR team prefers Trello. There are different ways to structure y.our communication culture with your team.

Monitoring efficiency and sentiment

You can use 15Five to manage performance, plan and track employee performance indicators. Every quarter, employees enter their OKRs (objective key results) into the system, which correlate with the goals and current priorities of the company.

Fill out a short questionnaire to indicate the top priorities for the current week, the difficulties you are facing, your current emotional state. It allows the manager to keep his finger on the pulse, to understand what is happening in his team. It also helps the HR manager track the overall level of employee satisfaction.

At the end of each quarter, employees can go through an assessment cycle, receive feedback on their work, and identify achievements and growth areas for the future.

Integration of a new team member

Business leaders and business owners know how difficult it is to build a systematic process for high-quality onboarding. It happens that a new employee is forced to work immediately, without being informed about the matter.

In Preply, the onboarding process is automated by the BambooHR service. When a new employee comes to the company, the service automatically sends tasks to all participants involved.

To introduce team members and get to know each other better, you can use a chatbot that randomly brings two company employees into a chat every week, inviting them to have a cup of coffee or lunch together. As practice shows, this practical experience is capable of rallying. In addition, you can make use of the best tools that make organization at work a breeze.

New technologies for attracting employees

Companies have recently begun to think about whether they need an employee or even a team on an ongoing basis.? Can they be used in conjunction with other companies? Uberization has also reached the area of ​​personnel management.

  • Outsourcing. The company transfers functions that are not the basis of its activities to an external contractor. Most often, with the help of outsourcing, legal and accounting support issues are resolved, part of the marketing activities is carried out.
  • Personnel leasing. Recruiting agencies to draw up contracts with specialists and then send them to work for a customer for an extended period. This replenishing staffing requirement reduces personnel costs in companies with a pronounced cyclical or seasonal nature of the business. In this way, during the intense season, the necessary personnel are recruited, for example, hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers, food industry enterprises.
  • Temporary staff. It allows you to close the need for additional personnel for a period from 1 day to 3 months. It can be personnel for corporate events, promoting exhibition stands, collecting data for marketing research, replacing a staff member on vacation or sickness, etc.
  • Smart Staffing. One of the promising areas for the development of modern recruiting technologies. It involves the sharing of the same employees by different employers through notable Internet exchanges. The employer lists the unused working hours of his employees on the exchange and invites other companies to use it on a reimbursable basis for their projects. Employees keep their jobs with their employers, wages, and social guarantees. The employer gets paid for the temporary use of their employees, and employees have the opportunity to expand their experience and generate additional income. Now, this approach to personnel management is used by IT companies.

Avoid mistakes

A mistake in personnel selection can cost the company financial losses. If the team leaves in 1-3 months, then turnover cannot be avoided, which means you will have to look for applicants again, and your working time will be lost.

To avoid mistakes when attracting personnel, the following principles must be observed:

  1. When considering an applicant, pay attention only to a person’s strengths or a team, leave weaknesses in the background.
  2. The qualifications of specialists must correspond to the proposed position but not exceed it. Otherwise, the applicant will get a job at the company for a while and look more suitable place elsewhere.
  3. Personal and professional qualities strictly correspond to the proposed position. Otherwise, the employee will quickly disappoint you.
  4. The effectiveness of hiring a new employee must exceed the cost of training, training, and retraining.
  5. The position must meet the requirements and expectations of new employees. You shouldn’t hire people who expect more from you and the company.
  6. Make sure that after hiring new employees, the psychological atmosphere in the team does not change.

Do not rush to recruit job seekers from outside sources for administrative positions. The rotation scheme of the team has proved to be effective. The system is based on the movement of employees from one place to another horizontally or up the career ladder. If your employee copes with his duties and has established himself well, then he has the right to undergo advanced training and move to a vacant position that requires more knowledge and experience. Personnel recruitment, active or passive, should follow a prearranged plan. You must clearly understand what you expect from the future employee and what working conditions you are ready to provide him with. You can search for applicants for a part-time job or low positions in external sources, vacant posts, select personnel from an already existing and well-established team. Consider also recommending freelancer tools for them to increase the overall productivity. Only a healthy psychological environment in your team and well-coordinated work will lead the company to success.


The world does not stand still. New ways of recruiting, searching, and evaluating personnel, technical tools for implementing individual elements of this process are constantly emerging. We already have access to Skype interviews, group interviews in the format of videoconferences, the participants of which can be located in different parts of the planet, testing competencies in the conditions of virtual simulation programs that simulate actual production processes. It makes life much easier for us but requires constant attention.

Modern recruiting technologies open up a wide range of opportunities, from old proven methods to the most innovative ones. The active use of which is yet to come. The choice of this or that method depends on many factors: the profile of the vacancy, the rules adopted in the company, the budget, the situation on the labor market, etc. Recruiting is not just a business process. It is a kind of art, the ability to bring together the employer’s requirements and the interests of the employee.


Q: Why are online recruitment sites convenient?

A: Online recruitment tools, such as LinkedIn, are very convenient to search for candidates by position name, skills, technologies with which they work – all over the world.

Q: How to simplify the hiring process?

A: HR departments use various recruiting tools to simplify the hiring process.

Q: What are the best ways for the team to communicate with one another?

A: There are different ways to structure the communication culture with the team and most managers prefer using either Slack or Trello.

Q: What’s the importance of using a questionnaire in monitoring efficiency and sentiment?

A: Filling out a questionnaire indicates the top priorities for the current week, the difficulties you might be facing and your current emotional wellbeing.

Q: How to best integrate a new team member?

A: To introduce team members and get to know each other better, you can use a chatbot that randomly brings two company employees into a chat every week, inviting them to have a cup of coffee or lunch together.

Q: What are the new technologies for attracting employees? 

A: The new technologies for attracting employees are outsourcing, personnel leasing, temporary staff, and smart staffing.


About the Author

Ambrose is an HR specialist who oversees the areas of Global HR Operations, Compensation & Benefits, Employee Safety, and HR Compliance. He has proven success in creating cultures of collaboration, and implementing change to achieve workforce excellence. Effectively balancing big picture thinking and strategic planning with hands-on execution has allowed Ambrose to combine decisiveness, strong business acumen, and formal education to achieve objectives both professionally and personally.

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