Is A Co-working Space Worth the Cost If You’re Already Working From Home?

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Is A Co-working Space Worth the Cost If You’re Already Working From Home?

Co-working is becoming a popular trend currently.

As of 2019, there were over 19,000 co-working spaces and more than 3 million coworkers globally.

But the question is: is co-working space worth the cost if you’re already working from home?

Keep reading to know why more people are moving to co-working spaces.

We’ll also find out the downsides of co-working spaces.

If you have been working out of your home office, you must admit that it can be difficult to stay productive due to the frequent distractions from family members, kids, and neighbors.

Well, working from home is advantageous though.

First, it helps to save time and money as you will never have to commute to work. Also, you can take care of your home errands from time to time while undertaking your office duties.

Researchers from MyAssignmentHelp have found out that some people can be more productive when working from home though.

But on the flip side, working from home can be lonely as you’re always alone in the house unless you’re a family person.

There is also a lot of distraction from family members and kids.

That’s why most people are shifting from working out of their home offices to co-working spaces.

We’ll find out whether moving to a co-working space is worth the expense or not in a moment.

But before that, let’s understand what a co-working space is.

What Is a Co-working Space?

A co-working space is a shared office space for people working remotely such as freelancers, entrepreneurs, developers, etc.

Often, co-working spaces are fully furnished with equipment and other amenities as you could find in an office environment.

Typically, a co-working space will contain a kitchen, restrooms, work tables, shared spaces, conference rooms, printers, high-speed internet connections, etc.

Some co-working spaces are niche-specific while others are general.

That said, let’s find out whether working from a co-working space is worth the money.

Co-working Spaces Offer Incredible Networking Opportunities  

Even though they can be potential distractors, we cannot hide from the fact that having friends around can make us happy.

Fortunately, co-working helps people make connections and find like-minded friends.

Co-working spaces attract all kinds of people. In fact, they present an incredible opportunity to meet with inspiring professionals.

If you’re looking to find business partners then co-working spaces would be the best place to work from.

Co-working is Good For Your Mental Health

If you’re already working from home then you must admit that loneliness can be cruel to your mental health.

This is because you don’t have anyone around you to make jokes with, share burdens, exchange ideas, etc.

Loneliness can lead to depression especially if you’re working on a hectic project that needs sharing of ideas.

When working from a co-working space, you have all kinds of friends and professionals to talk to thus helping to combat all types of mental illnesses that are brought about by loneliness and boredom.

A Co-working Space is Full Furnished 

Undoubtedly, working out of your home office enhances flexibility.

However, when you think about the hassles of having to ensure there are no hitches with your internet connections and everything is in place you will find that co-working is worth it.

As stated above, a co-working space is usually equipped with desks, chairs, a working internet connection, and everything there is in a traditional office environment.

When renting a co-working space, there is nothing you’re required to bring with you. You just need your working equipment (laptop, tablet, etc) but everything is set up for you already.

Co-working Spaces are Less-Distractive Environment 

Working out of your home office can be comfortable and satisfying but we must admit that distractions are inevitable.

If you have kids, you have to ensure they are taken care of even if you have a designated room for them. Think about your noisy neighbors.

There are just countless distractors when working out of your home office.

Well, of course, even co-working spaces have distractions because there are different kinds of people.

However, people who rent co-working spaces are serious about their work.

That means that distractions are minor.

Co-working Spaces are Cost-Effective

Undeniably, there are high-end co-working spaces that are expensive out there but you can still find some that are within your budget.

As many people are embracing co-working, the cost of renting a co-working space is going to go down.

Co-working Spaces Can Help Fight Monotony

If you have ever worked from home, then you must have struggled with monotony.

Having people around you while working can help keep you excited. Meeting new friends can help increase your productivity because you share useful ideas with professionals of all kinds.

There is no denying that co-working helps to keep boredom at bay.

Increases Flexibility

Often, most co-working spaces are open 24/7. That means that you’re not restricted to work during certain hours only.

You can choose when to go to work.

Well, of course, flexibility can sometimes be disadvantageous to some people who are used to being supervised to accomplish their work.

The Bad Sides of Co-working Spaces

Even though co-working spaces have all the advantages we have shared above, they aren’t for everyone. Besides, they also have their downsides.

Here are some of the things you ought to know before moving to a co-working space.

They Are Sometimes Crowded and Noisy 

Yes, if you’re renting a shared office space with the hope that you will find a quiet environment then think twice.

In fact, it’d been better if you work from a local library.

Of course, not all co-working spaces are noisy but they aren’t suitable for those who prefer to work in a quiet environment.

A Co-working Space Can Increase Your Expenses

Even though co-working spaces are in-expensive, rent out one can increase your expenses especially if you have other bills and house rent to pay.

Co-working can also be expensive if you have to travel to and from the shared office space every time.

It Can Be Time-Limiting

Some shared office spaces are only open during certain hours. For instance, some are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

That means that you will have to confine yourself within the specified time.

Co-working Spaces Have Privacy Concerns 

Co-working spaces are shared office spaces with all kinds of individuals and professionals.

Unless you tent a private desk or office space, you’re going to have privacy issues especially when you want to have private discussions about your business.

Final Thoughts

Before you switch from working from your home office to a co-working space, you need to be sure that you’re making the right move.

As stated above, co-working has a ton of benefits but it may not be the best option for everyone.

If you’re already working from home and you’re looking to move to a co-working space, we hope this article will help you.

About Author 

Tobias Foster has been working from home for over 10 years offering the best essay writing services to students from all over the world. He agrees that co-working will become popular when the COVID-19 pandemic abates. Tobias is also a blogger and content writer who writes content in the topics of productivity, self-growth, education, and remote working.

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