Live Like a Digital Nomad: Everything You Need to Know About Nomad Visas

Elaine Vanessa

Elaine Vanessa

12 min read


Live Like a Digital Nomad: Everything You Need to Know About Nomad Visas

Have you ever heard of the phenomena Digital Nomad? I knew its sounds like a mismatch. The first thing that came in mind listening about the nomad is the vast spread dessert with few people on camels.

Though, only 20 to 40 million of them are left. Getting confused? Don’t worry. I’ll explain to you each and every detail regarding digital nomads and tools, by the end of the article, you will be a nomad.

What is a Digital Nomad?

This term digital nomad refers to the people working remotely. The people are working from an isolated location independently by using technology to fulfill their duties.

Now get my point? I believe we all were digital nomads while working remotely during quarantine days.

There are almost 4.8 million current digital nomads, with several benefits and challenges. These people prefer to connect with their executives and other subordinated by using telecommunication facilities.

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Who are they?

Talking about demographics, these are younger people aging in between 18 to 30 years. Out of which 31% are women.

They are generally working in an organization and contributing to the knowledge economy. They can be categorized into two major segments. The first segment is the remote workers of the organization.

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And the second one is the knowledge process outsources. I believe everyone is clear regarding the first type.

The second type is a sort of freelancers willing to fulfill your requirements. For instance, you are launching a new product and desired to conduct market research, hire them, and they will provide you with the required data.

They are more identical to freelancers, but they kept on travelling during working. I mean they shift their remote location frequently.

When they Settle?

The question that arises here is that; when did they settle down? Travelling and working regularly can be a hassle. They travel at least 5 countries annually.

It is pretty tricky to answer that when did a travel freak will stop? I guess it is more of a psychological impact than any other.

Well, I have an answer for you. No didn’t knit it all; I interviewed one of the digital nomads I found on the internet.

Two essential elements will decide for how long or when will they stay. These are tax and dollar conversion rate. These people will only stay for a longer time in a country that facilitates lower taxes.

Moreover, most of them earn in dollars; they prefer the country with a weaker currency and lesser expenses.

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Like you live in Sweden, the conversion rate is higher, but the average living cost is higher, so it will be a no. Instead, Bulgaria, Romania or Poland is a better option.

Future benefits of Digital Nomad

The freelancing does exist from quite a time. But generally, it was not considered as employment.

Since the pandemic, we all have learned from them how to work adequately while being at home. This is why it is trending.

The phenomena have multiple future benefits. I knew we all had heard this for many fields. But I am going to prove you this.

  • Lesser stress

I knew we all hate our bosses, don’t hide that feeling. The balance between the work-life is just a written statement and nothing else. 16% of employees left their job due to stress. Have you ever heard anybody saying that my work-life is balanced without any additional efforts?

I knew if you have to be home for the weekend, you have to work additional hours daily. This is the same; either work 1 hour extra daily or work 5 hours additional on weekends. This is the main factor that will be eliminated in the digital nomads.

These people are free from this effort. They will get paid for the amount of work they are doing. No need for stressing yourself with other competitors and increasing market saturation.

  • No office

They don’t have to rush from one meeting room to another. They work from their own personal space. It is the real future.

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God forbid, but what will you do when there is another pandemic? I believe work from home. Almost 1.69 million people lost their job during pandemic. This is the utmost benefit of digital nomad that, you don’t have to get worried about your job or travel to the workplace.

It will all pre-manage. It will increase your value even more.

  • No dress up

Hate wearing a tie or official dress up? Also, I wouldn’t say I like that. Majority of us does not count it, but it is the expense.

Getting ready, matching things, makeup and many other girls got this. The future I here exempt all of these additional expenses. You don’t have to worry about branded clothes and a new dress for every event.

You can save almost $1700 annually, by this. I think this job is from the future. I mean, we all get to know the importance of money in this pandemic.

  • Digital Nomads are Their Own Boss

I always wanted a job that requires travelling. I knew I could be an air hostess, but travelling is not only moving in a plane.

This job provides you with an opportunity to travel around the world without even getting poor. You will be able to travel the whole world and can work from them.

No need to worry about the angry faces of HR. They work as their boss.

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They can travel and work during travel or can take a few hours from their trip. I think this if the future of working.

No stress, no dress-up and travelling as per your wish. Work when you desire on flexible working hours.

Find your own mistakes, improve them and get a promotion by increasing your rate. Now you don’t have to wait in a queue to get promoted or laugh at the boss’s outdated jokes.

  • Days Off

If you want to have a 6-week vacation in Thailand, book your tickets and catch the flight. You don’t have to ask anyone.

Working in a traditional office will only provide you 15 paid leaves. You know you are your boss, no one can stop you. Have limitless vacations. Want to spend a day with your grandma no need to explain anyone.

Or you want to stay in bed, don’t worry take your time. Limitless vacations are the utmost benefit. The world is getting more unpredictable, and you don’t know when you’re loved once need you.

  • Interesting Job Descriptions

Have you grown into a strict parent family? Did you not get the chance of becoming what you want? I think this happens to the majority of the millennial.

Therefore, 49% of digital nomads increase in US. I have a suggestive option for you. You can use the digital nomad phenomena for overcoming your complexes. If you have a hidden talent and you are scared to disclose it, this is the platform.

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Digital nomads are provided with exciting job descriptions and working responsibilities. They are capable of eliminating additional official paperwork and those restrictions.

  • Cultural Inclusion

We all have heard since our childhood that the end is near. We also have learned from history that change is ultimate.

You can learn a lot of things from different cultures. Like, I have learned the significance of time punctuality from Japanese. In this field, you will be provided with an opportunity to work with other companies belonging from different nations.

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And also you learn new things when you are travelling from country to country. These benefits in creating an international social network that will increase your value. There are almost 22,400 co-working spaces across the globe.

  • Multi-Lingual

Did you know the Royal Family of Britain has a law to teach every person a foreign language? Do you also want to be Royal? I mean learning a language.

This will enable you to be a multi-lingual person. This will benefit you when you will travel and deal with different clients belonging from diverse backgrounds. I knew English is the universal language.

But in a few cases, the language cannot help you, and at this time you require another language. It is not bad to be multi-lingual it will reflect your intellectual.

  • Exclude Unnecessary Expenses

Exclude them all? Yes, all of them. You don’t have to make a list of expenses at the start of the month and eliminate elements after calculating the budget.

Your priorities will be automated synchronized, and all the additional elements will be excluded. I mean, you don’t have to buy outfits every month, no makeup, no matching jewelry and shoes.

The bill is almost 10% of your salary. I believe nothing to spend. Imagine the graph of your savings. Just collect them all and start travelling to every corner of the world.

  • Personal Protection

Have you recently visited the hospital? Have you witnessed the protective equipment health service providers are wearing? I mean this is all too much, almost 1.9 million people died.

You don’t have to worry about. God forbid if any other pandemic happens globally. Your revenue generation source will be the safest as these people are already working from remote locations and are isolated in their home or hotels.

All that will be required is the higher morale and motivation level to work even in the worst situations continually.

How to be a digital nomad?

Digital nomad may be relatively a newer term, but the nomad living style isn’t. Human beings since the early evolution are adaptive to this style.

It is considered that there is no specific style for becoming a nomad as there are many aspects that can be covered. Don’t worry; I’ll provide you with a loose pack of guidelines that will help you become a digital nomad.

  • Annihilate specific location

Stop working from a specific location. No, I am not talking about reducing your consistency. Rather do not limit yourself to the office or a place or availing write my dissertation UK services. You can work from any corner until and unless you have electricity access.

Stop confining yourself from traditional working hours and patterns. This will be your first step in becoming a digital nomad.

  • Be with your community

Be with the herd! It is beneficial for you to join the digital nomad community. Here you will be able to gain exposure regarding different troubles and the smart solutions you can imply.

These social media groups will also enable you to meet with like-minded people and increase your socializing.

  • Identify skills

This domain is relatively more comprehensive. You should be able to identify your skillset. This identified skill set will provide you with the knowledge and ability to polish yourself.

This is not only related to the identification. You can gain more monetization benefits from it.

  • I am a freelancer

Start working as a freelancer. This is the ultimate and essential requirement of becoming digital nomads.

I am regretful to inform you that working traditionally will not make you a digital nomad. Only a freelancer or remote worker can be termed as a digital nomad.

  • Plan and stick to it

Plan how you will earn? What are you? What do you want to do? Where will you live? These fundamental questions shall be asked before creating a plan.

A good strategy is always necessary; you are a digital nomad, not a real one and can’t wander from place to place. You know these days we require passports.

Bottom Line

Being a digital nomad is the new future. Every profession has its pros and cons. But in this one there are more pros than cons.

The ultimate benefit is the operation from a remote location. This reduces the number of additional expenses incurred to maintain a lifestyle.

Author’s Bio

Elaine Vanessa is a Senior Research Analyst and blog writer working at Dissertation Assistance – a research paper writing service UK. She often writes articles related to Digital Marketing Industry. Elaine lives with her pet dog, Ellie.

Elaine Vanessa
Written by Elaine Vanessa

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