Remote Work 101: What is a Remote Work?

Basak Karsu

Basak Karsu

4 min read


Remote Work 101: What is a Remote Work?

As an uprising trend, remote working is growing worldwide and provides new opportunities of working. But what is remote work also known as virtual work?

Remote work is known as telecommunication. It became much popular around 2000s. The growth of the internet created a new ways of working. We may consider remote work as one of those.

Remote work is a style of working, which takes people out from a regular office environment. For most professionals, remote work may have lots of advantages and disadvantages.

The best way to discover remote opportunities is searching the remote work and giving it a try when you feel ready. 

Remote work advantages for the employees

Most of the professionals are struggling to balance their personal and professional lives. The days are limited and some of us wishes days to be more than 24 hours. This occurs because of the lack of control on our lives.

Many professionals found themselves waking up every morning and spending time on the road to go to work. The hours spent on the road generally perceived as a waste of time. Of course, the situation may differ if you are using transportation hours as “time for me”.

To decrease the time spent on the road, people decide where they can live better based on their office location. All these may sound tiring and consuming, which may cause you to feel your job as a psychological torture. In opposition to that, remote working gives a different insight on the ways of working.

Remote work helps people to have a healthier mental and physical state. Remote workers ended up having more time for themselves by cutting down the commute time. Instead of going from home to work every morning, you just wake up and go to your living room. If you want, you may take your morning coffee from your kitchen.

In addition to these, sometimes offices may be quite noisy and you might be distracted couple of times a day. In the case of remote working, you will have the freedom to set the best environment to work for yourself. Find and establish your most efficient work environment!

Remote work advantages for the employers

Healthier employees mean more efficiency! Whether you invest on remote working office or not, you will end up having a dedicated remote team. Healthy and happy people feel more connected to their work, and you will see the dramatic changes on the efficiency level of your business.

The research conducted in that area shows that remote work can increase productivity, as both employees and managers agreed upon. Many remote workers mention that they feel more valued as a remote worker compared to the time that they worked in non-remote jobs.

Last but not least, having a remote team is saving cost. The employers saves cost as rent and office furniture. Instead of investing on tables and coffee machine you may invest money to build a strong culture in your remote team.

Jobs can be done everywhere

Of course there are some jobs that can be done remotely and non-remotely. If you will work remotely you will need your remote working tools as a computer and certain programs.

In the case that your employer provides the computer and the systems, you will just need wifi. You either work from home, office or the co-working space. Working from home needs the least physical effort, where you will move from one room to another.

On the other hand, office which is supplied by your company and the co-working spaces, would be ideal for your social needs as a remote worker. As from now on you will be in charge of your time, you will need to find out all tips for working remotely.

You will be responsible for considering possible workplaces and deciding for the one that suits you. Therefore, do not wait to discover all places around your area. Cafes are also great workspaces for many remote workers, just be careful about the voice level if you need a peaceful place.

The only thing you should keep in mind that you need a high quality internet connection. If you tick all the boxes, the job can be done everywhere. 

Further Reading:

Basak Karsu
Written by Basak Karsu

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