Effective Tips to Prepare Remote Worker Interviews

Carol Amegatcher

Carol Amegatcher

4 min read


Effective Tips to Prepare Remote Worker Interviews

Just like any other interview, where you have to be physically present, remote interviews are not any more or less different. You’ll need almost the same amount of preparations to ace your interview. However, there are a few challenges remote interviews may pose.

Let’s take a look at some tips to help you ace your remote interview successfully.

Prepare adequately

Clearly, this is an obvious thing to do when you have an interview. There is nothing like too much preparation. This includes researching properly about the company, setting up your space, and whatnot. The upside to remote interviews is that you do not have to think about beating time due to traffic, so this will lessen the stress and burden on you. Prepare for a video interview in the same you would for a real job interview.

Test your equipment

Do a test-run on your device, record yourself to give you an idea of how you would look during the video interview, and get comfortable with the camera. Test your tools, microphones, and web camera to ensure you are good to have your interview. Make sure your internet connection is also solid.

Control your surroundings

Set up a quiet, peaceful, and comfortable place to have your interview. It should be devoid of any distractions or noise that will cause you to lose focus during the interview. If you live with people, you may want to let them know how important the interview is to you. Notify them that you can’t accept any kind of distraction during the interview. Also, make sure to clean up your space before it starts. You do not want your interviewer to see your messy space.

Be ready

Make sure to get a hard copy of your resume or CV by you during the interview, just if you are being referred to anything on it. Please go through some possible interview questions and answer them before the interview begins so that you are not found wanting. Enter the interview a few minutes before it starts so that you can be sure everything is working just as you want it.

Interviewers are most likely bound to assess critical thinking skills, communication skills, your ability to work without direct supervision, culture-fit, self-motivation, reliability, independence, initiative, collaboration, organization, amongst others.

Have Your Smart Answers on the Side

  • Here are some interviews questions you can expect in a remote interview:
  • Do you have previous remote working experience?
  • Do you have access to a personal computer and a reliable internet connection?
  • Why do you want to work remotely?
  • How do you stay up to date with your tasks?
  • What do you think your biggest challenge will be as a remote worker, and how would you deal with it?
  • What types of remote team tools and software have you used, and how did you use them?
  • How do you manage your tie and stay organized?
  • How do you keep yourself motivated and engaged while working from home?
  • How do you ensure a project is completed successfully when working from home?
  • Narrate a time you had to adapt to change?
  • Narrate a time you had a conflict with a co-worker and how you went about it?

In Conclusion

Remote interviews are not arduous when the right steps are taken. Just like any other interview, you’ll come out as successful if you prepare adequately. Most importantly, be certain that working remotely is right for you!

Carol Amegatcher
Written by Carol Amegatcher

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